We work on projects big and small. With over 20 years of experience, you can trust that we are here for you.

Home repairs can be stressful. We take the stress out of repairs by providing seamless customer service with quality professional work. Here’s a small sample of what CDE Equipment and Services can do for your home.

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Sump-pump replacement

Don’t get caught with water in your basement. This happy customer needed a sump-pump replacement for an old, outdated Watchdog system sump-pump. In a half-day’s time, I installed a top of the line Watchdog Wi-Fi enabled sump system with a backup battery.



Flat screen tv mount

Did you buy a new T.V. for the big game? Purchasing a new T.V. as a gift for the holidays? I can help with that! For this installation, the customer had no viable wall studs to hang this beautiful T.V. To keep with the aesthetic of the home, I custom built a modern wood frame to allow the T.V. to be easily mounted, in the perfect spot, while complementing the client’s home decor.

Want to see more of what we can do for you? here’s just a few examples of how we keep your home feeling like home.